This is a product aimed to document/paper management. The primary objective is to offer an innovative, eco and social-friendly solution for the improvement of the administrative operations. Besides machine learning automation, Doctrina has a synthesized speech which enables people with low vision to use the product through its flexible control model.

The world has become tech-savvy with the recent IT boom. Considering this, has introduced its document digitizing services to help organizations across the globe go paperless.


  • Accessibility - Doctrina has own synthesized speech that navigates the visually impaired users while using the product. In this way, they get equal to the other users access to it.
  • AI - Machine learning enables an automatic categorization of documents and finds the most appropriate ones for the needs of the administration.


Flexibility & Responsibility

  • Remote access - Our whole work is based on convenience. All services could be use from any location at any time.
  • Green policy - We strive for rational solutions! This is why Doctrina, being eco-friendly, reduces the paper usage.

Flexibility & Responsibility


Ivan Mihaylov

CEO — Visteon Electronics Bulgaria

Ivan Mihaylov
Doctrina can be adapted in both business and administrative fields. Its usage would ease the work and would add value to document/paper management in the developing world.

Hristo Tenchev

CEO, Co-founder — Software University

Hristo Tenchev
I highly appreciate the functions of the innovative platform Doctrina. Students, working people and, as a matter of fact, all citizens need the implementation of technology that could improve the administrative services.

Martin Dimitrov

CEO, Co-founder — Novanor & Civi

Martin Dimitrov
I was really impressed by the functions, convenience and the ecological side of the platform. I highly recommend its usage in as many institutions as possible.

Ivan Ivanov

CEO — ScaleFocus

Ivan Ivanov
Every business company strives for the optimal, most effective and simplified services. Doctrina offers exactly this in a modern, remote and approachable way.

How the Idea Started

In his first year (2018) as a student at the International Business School, Alex (founder of and CTO) and his team were awarded as a winning team of Bulgaria for a business idea with their product: Doctrina. The competition is organized by Konica Minolta and is aimed at students from all over the world. We finished the product and put it on production.

How the Idea Started